I received this picture from a friend today, and I'm still trying to understand its implications. The picture is of a pair of Happy Passover gloves that appear to have frogs on the end of the fingers, so I have to conclude it's supposed to represent one of the ten plagues of Egypt. Does this mean the other nine plagues also have Passover gloves associated with them?
I could see darkness gloves being easy to make, and probably locust gloves as well, but not many kids would want to wear gloves with boils all over them. And how would they depict the dead firstborn Egyptians on gloves? Ten little heads with X'ed out eyes on them?
Or are frogs now the Easter Bunny equivalent of Passover? Do they secretly hop around the world early Passover morning hiding toys and candy for for good little children while bringing famine and pestilence to the bad ones? I hope so, because that actually sounds awesome.