Sunday, February 22, 2009

To the Retrieval-Mobile!

On my way back to the car from replenishing my supply of battle rolls at my local grocery store, I noticed this emblem on the vehicle next to mine:

I had no idea that shopping cart retrieval was even a career option! I always just kind of assumed the bag boy with the lowest seniority was sent out into the neighborhood, and came back either with missing carts or stab wounds. Now I know better. The guy who drives this truck was about 300 lbs of pure muscle, so no one was going to stop him from retrieving the carts he had piled up in the back of his truck. Plus, we all know "Independent Contractor" is really just code for "Hired Goon". That's also why I had to pretend to drop my keys in order to take this picture.

Please don't tell him where I live.

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